What are the Mac symbols?

Mac Symbols If you are loyal to your 2013 Macbook Air, here’s the new mac keyboard buttons. What is the mac symbol for Control? Control (or Ctrl) ⌃ The Control key was originally responsible for entering control characters (or non-printing characters) in terminal applications. The first mac did not have a control key but it was later…

Black Scholes Formula in Rust

Our team at Hack Reactor is building a web framework in Rust and for the first day, we took a step back and had a one day hackathon to get sped up. Naturally I wanted to benchmark calculators and that afternoon I tested Rust against Python and Javascript. Results below. Black Scholes Merton Introduced in…

This post is not about Backbone

We’re gonna talk about video games. Imagine you’re playing Mario Kart on a four person split screen. There are four Yoshis on the screen for each player. How many Yoshis should we model? The obvious answer is four: there are four Yoshis on the screen, so there must be four Yoshis. The problem is that this answer misses…

LA Hacks

  The event was billed as the largest hackathon on the West Coast and is the only one I know of that lasted both Friday and Saturday night. 36 hours of coding and the list of suggested items included, at the top, a laptop and a sleeping bag. At first I was hesitant to sign…