How does sequelize pluralize?

If you use .sync with sequlize and have a model name like User, your database ends up with a table called Users. More clearly, when you use the sequelize-cli model generator the generated file will show this pluralized table. Here is the code: (link)

What is Utils

* Note Sequelize has a directory called Utils AND a file at lib/utils.js.

What’s in lib/util.js?


We find the function! This is how sequelize defines utils.pluralize link

Util.pluralize IS inflection.pluralize

This is how its tested 

What is inflection?

Inflection is a port of Ruby on Rails Active Support Inflection classes into JavaScript built by DreamersLab in Taipei. (link)

So how does sequelize/inflection pluralize?

Inflection seems to have rules based on:

Eventually, inflection takes these rules, uses RegExp and applies them to your string. Theres a bunch of rules and at the end theres this

The common rule that is the exhausted else or case default rule that targets the end of the string with $. No rules for that singular term? Add an s