Data Ownership

Who owns data on you?

Google Maps has tracked nearly every location you’ve been in the last decade. But you cannot query it in any way.

Have you ever wanted to know: “How many times have I been to the gym this week?” or “How many days did I spend in California this year?”

You cannot query that. If you worked on the Google Maps team you maybe could. But otherwise, you are out of luck.

What if you owned your own data?

Imagine you have every location you’ve ever visited, every url you’ve visited, how much time you spend on apps, a list of leetcode problems you’ve attempted, a list of all the jobs you’ve applied for this year.

You could query anything. You could set alerts, notifications based on your behavior. Classify your own time and automatically draw out your habits.

You could celebrate your wins, on a regular cadence.

When was the last time you felt gratitude? What if, tracking that increased it. What if proactive reminders of beautiful thoughts pinged your phone, instead of some deal some app wants you to know about.