Github Authentication with SSH on Mac

“Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.” – Github

If you go to that link, it has links somewhere on auth articles.

You have many options to authenticate with GitHub

  • PAM (expiring Personal Access Token) instead of a password
  • SSH Authentication (link)
  • Github CLI Authentication (link)

Why use SSH Authentication? (docs.github)

  • No need to input Personal Access Token for every action
  • Allows easy routing for multiple Github accounts on a single computer / workstation.

How to setup SSH Authentication?

  • Step: Check for existing keys (optionally use those) (docs.github)
  • Step: Create a key pair, add to ssh-agent, update config (docs.github)
  • Step: Add SSH key to Github (docs.github)
# Check for existing keys
$ ls -al ~/.ssh

# Create a key 
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

# Start ssh-agent
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

# Try checking for config for newer Macs
$ open ~/.ssh/config
> The file /Users/YOU/.ssh/config does not exist.

$ touch ~/.ssh/config

# Add this text
$ vim ~/.ssh/config
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

# Add private key to ssh-agent
$ ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

# Add SSH public key to clipboard
$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

# Copy into
# Find Profile > Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key

# Now you can clone with the SSH link
$ git clone

Note: The HTTPS and SSH addresses are different