Save time: npm install nodemon

Nodemon will allow you to start your node.js project and make changes without manually shutting down and restarting your server.

Many people are scared of installing nodemon globally, so here’s a guide to install nodemon locally in your node.js project.

Step 1: Install nodemon 

$ npm install nodemon --save-dev

Step 2: Update your npm scripts object in package.json

"scripts": {


    "start": "npx nodemon index.js


Note: If you used the express generator you will change "nodemon index.js" to your entry point into your server, which is likely “nodemon ./bin/www"

Step 3: Run your new npm script

$ npm start


Now our JavaScript changes will restart your server automatically

Bonus (how to restart nodemon with “rs”)

* Note, many frameworks compile and cache templates so changing your html/jade files WILL NOT restart your server. Instead of closing and re-running npm start, type rs into your terminal.