Updated and vastly improved version (July 8th 2024): link
Step 1: Install postgres
brew install postgres
Step 2: Start postgres server
brew services start postgresql
Step 3: Create a database
Lets call our database “book”
$ createdb book
Step 4: open the psql shell
List all databases in terminal with: $ psql --list
Adding the name of the db after the command psql
will open the shell to that db
$ psql book
Your psql shell has different command. For the rest of the article, we will be using the psql shell.
List your databases in psql shell with: \l
* When checking the docs make sure you check know your postgres version with: select version();
Step 5: Create a new table
list your current database tables with: \dt
Create format:
CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<field_name>, <field_type>);
Lets create fields for “body”, “date” and “code”:
body text, date timestamp, code text);
Inspect your table schema with: \d <table_name>
, e.g. \d dids
Step 6: Add some table rows
Remember: SINGLE QUOTES ONLY and remember the ending semi colon
INSERT INTO dids (body, date)
VALUES ('paired with Corey', NOW());
INSERT INTO dids (body, date)
VALUES ('remembered that SQL is SINGLE QUOTES ONLY', NOW());
OOPS… – we realize here that our table does not have a primary key
Step 7: Alter your table columns (Schema migration)
Your tables will likely evolve throughout time – you may want to add fields to you table, or like above, we forget to add a primary key.
Add a column for “primary key” that auto increments
ALTER TABLE dids ADD COLUMN id serial primary key;
look at the table schema with: \d <table_name>
Step 8: Query your new database!
select * from dids
Installed with:
Homebrew 1.7.1
postgres (PostgreSQL) 10.4